This is me……


  Hello and welcome to my blog!  My name is Lekan Oyefeso and I am the owner/photographer of MTM Photography.  I specialize in wedding and portrait photography.  I’ve wanted to start a blog pertaining to photography for a while now so I decided to finally get off my butt and get it done!  This will be my weekly forum to tell the stories of the people I photograph, talk about the different trials and tribulations of the photography business, and cool photography related topics I come across.  People who know me on a personal level know that I’m a pretty laid back guy that likes to interact with people, so I want this to be more of a dialogue than me just running off at the mouth…..well……fingers.  Feel free to comment on the things I post or email me a response.

If you asked me 10 years ago if I thought that I’d be a photographer trying to run a business in my mid-thirties, I would’ve told you that you were nuts.  I played around with the occasional film camera here and there when I was younger, but that was nothing even remotely close to being serious. I picked up a DSLR about 6 years ago when a buddy and I decided to get into photography as a hobby.  We both enjoyed going to air shows (I still do) and thought that it would be cool to start shooting them.  As I did more and more shooting, I began to get more interested in photographing people and trying to getting better at it.  The next thing I knew, the hobby became an addiction!  This was about the same time that I came to the realization that I’d like to try to own my own business and hopefully, one day, stop working to fulfill someone else’s dreams and instead work to fulfill my own.  That brings me to the present.  So far, I’ve learned a LOT about starting and running a business but what I’ve learned has only begun to scratch the surface.  So, come with me on this journey and we can all learn some cool stuff along the way!  Thanks for stopping by!  I hope you’ll come back next week!

P.S.  Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest

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